The CNEC Counseling Center offers academic counselling, connectivity to resources, assistance with college applications, and career pathways information. CNEC Counseling
Both Granite Ridge and Clovis North have a Peer Counseling class, where students are trained in listening/communication skills. Once the training is complete, students are then available to talk with peers who request to see a Peer Counselor. During these "sessions", students are able to talk about issues they may be struggling with; i.e., family problems, academic problems, peer problems, etc. Peer Counselors do not give advice but attempt to help the struggling student come up with good solutions. The Peer Counselors are supervised by Mrs. Michelle Miller (Clovis North) and Mrs. Reyna Rubalcaba (Granite Ridge). This is a wonderful resource for students who prefer to speak to someone closer to their own age. Peer Counseling website.